Thursday, May 5, 2016

Things to consider when making my magazine

     Because I am creating a magazine, I want to make it as professional as possible. This will make the magazine appeal to readers and gain respect for it as well. There are many "do's" and "don't's" in the magazine world. This week, I decided to look into these and find which ones are applicable (or not) for my art-based creation.
     One tip that I found extremely relevant was this: Don't be afraid of white space ("Magazine"). When making an art-based magazine, it is tempting to fill the page with color and images. A problem with this is that many times this overwhelms the reader. Closely related to this is the practice of staying away from the edges of the page. Leaving space on all sides makes the text easier to read and focus on. This tip reinforces the need for white space on certain areas of each page. This article also details that readers also frown upon clip art. This shows that in order for the best response, I need to make my images and layout concise but eye-catching.
     Another important thing to do when making a magazine is to keep the audience in mind ("DT"). In my situation, the audience consists of people close to my age who have an interest in the arts. In order to appeal to these readers, I need to use vocabulary that these people can understand but is also relevant to the topic. Because my audience is similar to myself, I can get ideas from all sorts of events in my life. Art is in everything, and it is my responsibility as the creator of this magazine to interpret and broadcast it in a way that achieves the goals of this project.

"" Design Tips For First Time Magazine Publishers and Designers. Web. 05 May 2016.

"DT Blog Web Design Tips, Tutorials & More!" DT Blog RSS. Web. 05 May 2016.

1 comment:

  1. I'm moving you into the "can" column for both MLA and end notes. Good work!
