Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 2

     To start off the week, the artist, Demotus, that I interviewed last week contacted me wanting links to the interview and my pages. Demotus then shared my blog and the interview with his 20k+ Twitter followers. This was great for gaining interest from groups other than those I know.
     The first post that I made this week was a collection of photos I took on a recent hike. Because one of the things I want to accomplish with the 20% project is to see how my own art changes, I wanted to document something of my own early on the blog to have something to use for comparison. You can see the post here.
     The second post I made was a showcase of a graphic design artist named Ian Woods. I showed off three of his graphic designs and one of his abstract-style paintings in this showcase along with a short description. I wanted to do this because I really enjoy his work and feel like more people should know about him, and I plan on doing many showcases like this one in the future. You can see the post here.


  1. I like the integration of your own art into your blog posts

  2. I loved the photos that you used. ONe thing. You need to keep track of dates. Don't forget the research part of this. 9/10
