Wednesday, February 24, 2016

First Week of My Blog

     This week was very ideal and everything that I wanted to get done was accomplished. First of all, I created my art blog, Be a Martyr. I informed many friends of the new blog and my intentions for it and they were all very interested. I made my first blog post introducing myself and what should be expected on the blog.
     I decided that on my first week I would learn about the art of music from one of my favorite rap artists, Demotus. I contacted Demotus on Twitter and he quickly responded showing interest in an interview. I was able to ask him some questions relating to his art and the music industry. Demotus was very short-spoken and direct, but the interview was very surreal and entertaining nonetheless.  It was extremely interesting to hear what artists he likes and what projects he is currently working on; it's pretty cool to get information before the other fans.
     The blog is being accepted extraordinarily well, much better than I expected. Within just about an hour of the interview being posted, I received 11 Tumblr notes (likes) and 3 comments. Multiple friends contacted me and told me how interesting the interview was and even that they were proud of me. This experience has made me very interested in doing more interviews and giving my new followers new content. Check out some of Demotus's music.

Beard, Logan. "INTERVIEW W/ DEMOTUS."MARTyrdom -. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.< >


  1. I really liked the interview on this, it was really entertaining to read. It is a cool look into rap that you don't get to see that often these days!

  2. Now THAT'S getting off to a great start, Logan. It's so cool when artists we respect interact with us. 10/10
