Monday, March 21, 2016

Blog #4

     This week, I decided to do a post on breaking news for the underground art scene. Ask any street artist who their inspirations are, and I guarantee that  Banksy is on the list.  Banksy is perhaps the most notorious street artist of this day and age. He (or she) has managed to makes millions of dollars from his works while still being viewed as an outlaw. The reason for this is that no one knows exactly who Banksy is.. until possibly now.
     A new study revealing Banksy's most probable identity was released over the past few weeks. The researchers used geographic profiling to connect locations of Banksy art with Robin Gunningham, a young man who grew up going to a private school outside of London. Although the researchers are extremely confident in the find, the Gunningham family denies any ties to Banksy.
     I was compelled to share this story on my blog because it was not only interesting, but it is also very relevant to me. I have been a Banksy fan for years now, and even have one of his pieces hanging on the wall in my room. Because Banksy is a very low-key artist, it is very hard to find any new information about him, making it even more important for me to share any news like this when the opportunity arrives.Check out the post here.

Rosenberg, Eli. "Banksy Identified by Scientists. Maybe." The New York Times. The New York Times, 07 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Mar. 2016.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 2

     To start off the week, the artist, Demotus, that I interviewed last week contacted me wanting links to the interview and my pages. Demotus then shared my blog and the interview with his 20k+ Twitter followers. This was great for gaining interest from groups other than those I know.
     The first post that I made this week was a collection of photos I took on a recent hike. Because one of the things I want to accomplish with the 20% project is to see how my own art changes, I wanted to document something of my own early on the blog to have something to use for comparison. You can see the post here.
     The second post I made was a showcase of a graphic design artist named Ian Woods. I showed off three of his graphic designs and one of his abstract-style paintings in this showcase along with a short description. I wanted to do this because I really enjoy his work and feel like more people should know about him, and I plan on doing many showcases like this one in the future. You can see the post here.